Sunday, July 18, 2010

Embossed red and gold 55

Extinguish !
Where was it ?
that tall thin canister
the Sunday I was 9     

My family in the kitchen
of a rented Tudor house,
when my Father got burnt
in a grease fire.

Black smoke smeared over white walls
When the yelling stopped

his hand got wrapped
I was shaking from images
and echoes of 'Great Expectations'.


  1. Izzy...
    A BIT late?
    All entires are welcome Mrs. Haversham.
    Excellent 55 My Friend.
    Thanks for this VERY late post, and have a Kick Ass Sunday!

  2. Ouch! But I bet you learned a few new words.

  3. At age 9 you might have TAUGHT others a few new words! The best "55"s (and Magpies) are from personal experiences...therefore, yours is "the best".

    ...and sometimes, better LATE!
    Peace, Izzy!
